Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Too Hot, Too Cold, Just Right (Not in That Order)

In the blog's infancy, I used to do a series called Fables of the Deconstruction. It was basically a listen to an early version or demo of a song put up against the final released version found on a single or album. So often, too many cooks in the kitchen would mean the unpolished bedroom recording was the superior take. That's more or less the way I feel about today's pick from Strawberry Switchblade. There are a few versions of "Go Away" to compare and contrast, but the beautiful 1983 B-side to "Trees and Flowers" is the definitive version for me. By the time the song became a deep cut on the band's debut album, it's almost unrecognizable. The time period, however, is not. As with the previous post, the 1982 demo is from the band's days as a quartet, and the feel is decidedly post punk... and awfully good too.

Go Away (1982 demo)
Go Away (1983 B-side)
Go Away (1985 album version)


Charity Chic said...

Good to see you are still down that Switchblade rabbit hole Brian

Anonymous said...

I agree, Brian, the second version here is by far and away the best.

JC said...

Yup....the b-side version has always been the definitive for me. Good call Brian.