49. "She Will Have Her Way"
Artist: Neil Finn
Year: 1998
Short and sweet today as we are in the midst of a four-day weekend with the kids... not to mention the fact that Neil Finn was in a certain band that will show up later in the countdown anyway. I'll have more to say then. "That band" called it a day in 1996, and this song was taken from 'Try Whistling This,' Finn's first solo outing. The album had a folk element to it that some really took to, but I'm a pop fan at heart. So, in my mind, his followup, 'One All,' was a better effort, but there isn't really anything Finn has done, going all the way back to the tail end of Split Enz, that I don't think is brilliant.
Much of 'Try Whistling This' was done on his own, but he did receive some help from memorable friends and family, including Pete Thomas from the Attractions, Sebastian Steinberg from Soul Coughing, Jim Moginie from Midnight Oil, as well as the legendary Mitchell Froom. Alas, none of that stellar cast appeared on "She Will Have Her Way." It is interesting to note, however, Neil's son Liam helped out his father with some guitar on this tune. If my math is correct, he would have been 15 years old at the time. If you have never had the chance to hear Liam's work, I would start with 'I'll Be Lightning.' He clearly learned a lot from dear ol' Dad.
11 minutes ago
perfect song...nuff said
Quality stuff, very good indeed. The kind of thing I played in the shop a lot at busy times, but never actually got around to buying for myself. Really enjoyed this.
Hi McPop and Mr. Swede. This is my go to from this album. Those Finn boys certainly know how to craft a pop song. I did consider something from the Finn Brothers as well, but they ended up missing the cut. If the second Finn Brothers album had been from the '90s, I would have had to find a way in for those fellas.
Good choice , the first Finn brothers lp has the last day of june on which would have made my cut
Great song!
I assume from the lack of mention of the Casey/Dana romance on Sports Night (for which this song served as a theme) that you haven't watched that show, or at least not very much. I suggest you rectify this ASAP! B^)
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