We have all heard of (or even seen) oddball concert bills, but this is one of my favorites. In the summer of 1983, just as Big Country was becoming a behemoth ("In a Big Country" was released in May), the Lotus Eaters joined them as an opening act on their UK tour. Even though the band hadn't even released a single yet, thanks to a wildly successful stint on John Peel's program, there was already quite a bit of buzz surrounding the Lotus Eaters. In fact, that debut single, "The First Picture of You" was released during the second half of this tour. As I'm sure you're aware, that song was a smash, peaking at No. 15 on the UK chart and becoming the most played song on UK radio in 1983.
This is how Peter Coyle, lead singer of the Lotus Eaters, summed up that tour. This is taken from his official Web site:
"The Lotus Eaters supported Big Country on their UK tour. The Big Country boys were really nice people. There was no bullshit there at all, which I really admire and respect them for. Having said that we were the totally wrong band to support them. They were pure unadulterated male rock and roll. We would go on and I would sit cross legged with sandals singing about the wonders of releasing your feminine side. I was singing about quiet spaces in your soul and the boys in the audience where probably thinking when can we get to the bar and obliterate all knowledge out of our minds. As you could imagine the audience must have thought what the fuck is going on! Is this some weird parallel universe? We are born to pogo not to explore our quiet meditative spaces. Especially some messed up male perception of female space."
This, indeed, may seem like a strange set to play together, but I'm proof that you can like Big Country and the Lotus Eaters. I would love to be able to hop aboard the way-back machine for one of these shows. As for today's picks, the Big Country song is "1000 Stars." Although it is one of the deeper cuts from 'The Crossing,' it has always been one of my favorites. This version is taken from a BBC Radio 1 session, recorded on March 9, 1983. Since I'm assuming you have heard "The First Picture of You" quite a few times, I'm going to go with the Lotus Eaters' followup, released a bit later in '83. It was a very minor hit, but it proved to be the last time the lads even had one of those. You can find it on the band's full-length debut, 'No Sense of Sin.' I highly recommend the Cherry Red reissue. It's a fine album on its own, but there are several bonus tracks, including a very good 12" of "Out on Your Own."
Big Country - 1000 Stars (BBC Radio 1) (mp3)
The Lotus Eaters - You Don't Need Someone New (mp3)
Have you seen any strange concert mismatches?
Blog Country 111 -Botswana
8 hours ago